SPCTC Data Services

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Staff Training Program
since 2020 January

When not engaged in paid project work, staff participate continuous training, applying their newfound skills to enhance our work products.

They acquire expertise in advanced data and automation techniques, enhancing accuracy and efficiency, especially in managing extensive data sets within the Excel environment.

They are able to fully interact with website browsers through automation techniques to both extract and input data efficiently & accurately.

Computer Skills Learning to date

  • Advanced Excel & large data sets
  • Advanced MS Word & creating technical reports
  • Video editing & video storying
  • New Excel data techniques including Power Query
  • VBA automation in Excel

Video storying group project

Strong Emphasis on Soft Job Skills

  • Collaboration
  • Communication Skills
  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem-Solving and Applied Learning
  • Self-Discipline on the Job
  • Appropriate Use of Information
    & Communications Technology

Interns working in Computer lab2 2 students close up on computer
students working in pairs on computers view from rear computer lab students w face masks Interns working in Computer lab3
Interns working in Computer lab1 interns working on CPU
interns working in lab Teachers Day 2022